Embracing the Pathless Path, Again

My career has always been a bit unconventional, a blend of entrepreneurship, corporate life, and even a stint in banking. It's been a journey of learning, growth, and defying expectations. But lately, I've felt the need to pause, reflect, and truly connect with my purpose.

I'm taking a sabbatical to re-evaluate my direction. This isn't a detour, it's a strategic pause to ensure I'm on the right path, even if it's a path I'm creating myself and this book, The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd came along:

As Millerd reminds us, this is a chance to:

  • Questioning the "default path": Challenging societal expectations about career progression and success.

  • Embracing uncertainty: Viewing career uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

  • Redefining success: Shifting focus from external metrics to personal fulfillment and meaning.

  • Prototyping passions: Experimenting with small-scale projects to explore interests before making major life changes.

  • Mini-retirements: Taking periodic breaks to reassess priorities and explore different lifestyles.

  • Coming alive vs. getting ahead: Prioritizing personal growth and engagement over traditional career advancement.

  • Developing guiding principles: Creating a personal framework for decision-making in the absence of a predefined path.

  • Building a support network: Connecting with like-minded individuals who understand and encourage alternative career choices.

  • Abundance mindset: Cultivating an attitude of generosity and opportunity rather than scarcity.

  • Aligning life with authentic self: Designing a lifestyle and career that reflects one's true values and aspirations, even if unconventional.

I'm excited for this break, a chance to embrace the pathless path and discover what truly excites me. I'm confident that this time of reflection and exploration will lead me to a path that aligns with my true self and purpose.


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Midpoint check 2024